Importance of Information Technology


IT, it’s a small word which has occupied the whole world. Nowadays, we may not imagine our lives without it. As we all know IT has a full name that is information technology, if we divide this word in two section we get the appropriate meaning about it. First word, which means an enormous or massive data which can bring a drastic change in the world and Second one means the combination of various and valuable scientific technics which make our lives easy and effective. So, in short, we can say that IT means such techniques which can transfer a huge amount of information from one place to another by using different – different scientific techniques.

Role of IT in Social Media

If we talk about the role of IT in Social Media, So, we will find that each and every aspect of Social Media like Website, Mobile Apps, Blogs and YouTube Channels are totally dependent on IT. Each and every second, if find latest updates in the social media applications as per their users and their requirements.

IT and Networking

Information’s are transferring in micro seconds from one place to another through computers, but the main essence behind it is networking. Networking is also a very valuable and unforgettable part of IT. Through mobiles and telecoms, we are also transferring information’s in voice or text format. And, if look closely, if find that approximately 75% people of the world talk via mobile or telecom every day. So, we cannot isolate the Networking system from IT.

Role of IT in Education

In this modern world, Education is useless without having the knowledge of IT. Nowadays, each and every institution is imparting education through modern techniques like Digital boards, Video lectures, online apps like Google meet, Zoom etc. Besides these, in schools, Computer has become a mandatory subject. Without having the knowledge of computer’s, students will not have the opportunity to move into the next class and it starts from the 1st standard. So, no one can keep himself or herself isolated from it. Online solutions for each and every subject for any standard is available on the net.


IT has such a huge and massive range which cannot conclude within few lines or paragraph. Simply, we may say, Now IT is the only source which can keep the man alive or conscious of this earth, otherwise failure of IT will lead the world towards disaster and demolition. Overall IT is the soul of this modern world and we cannot separate it from us and the things relate with us.

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